Millard North SN
Hi everyone! This page is run by Oliver Niu and Charlie Jackson (mostly Oliver smh) from Millard North, we'll try to upload as much of our stuff from this year as possible. Please please please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or memes. You can message us onfacebook or email ([email protected] or [email protected]). Special shotout to Jim Jam and Zara from Dalton and Ruby and Hattie from Westridge for helping us prep this year!
April/TOC (India)[edit]
We normally have cut card files for every topic, but this was the only tournament where we were organized enough to remember where we put the files.
Millard SN TOC Aff 2019.docx
Millard SN TOC Neg 2019.docx
AFF Cut Cards and Frontlines.docx
NEG Cut Cards and Frontlines.docx
TOC April Aff File.docx
TOC April Neg File.docx
March (Housing)[edit]
We adapted the majority of these cases and blocks for a lay Nebraska judge pool so this probably isn't the best representation of how we'd debate on the circuit.
Milly North SN Aff File March 2019.docx
Milly North SN Neg File March 2019.docx
February (Saudi Arabia)[edit]
Golden Desert
Feb AFF.pdf
Feb NEG.pdf
AFF File.docx
NEG File.docx
January (Debt)[edit]
Inevitable Recessions AFF v.2.pdf
Milly North Neg.pdf
Blake AFF File.docx
Blake Neg File.docx
Nov/Dec (Price Controls)[edit]
Apple Valley
Milly North SN Nocember AFF.pdf
Milly North SN Nocember NEG.pdf