Mountain House PF

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This is the page for Mountain House PF. Some of these cases are ridiculous, some are better than others. Evidence is typically hyperlinked inside. If you have any questions about strat, just message Passa or her various partners on Facebook. Though they are very busy and dead inside.

Feb 2017[edit]

CHSSA State Quals
Cuba aff.pdf

Septober 2017[edit]

UOP & Long Beach invite
MH PF aff.pdf

Jan 2018[edit]

Emory & NCFL NorCal Quals
MH PF Jan aff.pdf

Feb 2018[edit]

Stanford & Berkeley Invitational
Volatility neg.pdf
Our Main Aff:
Our Main Neg:

March 2018[edit]

Big Valley Quals March Aff -1.pdf