Edina MZ

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Hey, Ryan Zhu from Edina MZ here and I'll try to keep this as updated as possible:

2019-2020 SZN:

Septober — BRI

Edina MZ SeptOct Aff.pdf

Edina MZ SeptOct Neg.pdf

NovDec — OCOs

Edina MZ Nocember Aff.pdf

Edina MZ Nocember Neg.pdf

January — Venezuela

Edina MZ Jan Aff.pdf

Edina MZ Jan Neg.pdf

February - UBI

Edina MZ Feb Aff.pdf

Edina MZ Feb Neg.pdf

TOC - Persian Gulf

Edina MZ TOC Aff.pdf

Edina MZ TOC Neg.pdf