Corona del Sol JP

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This page is run by Ryan Jiang and Sreya Pattipati. We will upload all positions and blocks we've read that we still have access to. I hope that this resource becomes increasingly helpful as it develops. If you have any questions, reach out to us on Facebook (both our names), or by email at [email protected].

We've worked with quite a few teams over our years in debate, and we'd like to thank them for contributing to the files below.

Our prep style has changed depending on the topic-- we prepped particularly hard for NAFTA, Debt, and UNCLOS, so those are probably the best examples of our prep.


H-1B Visas (April 2018 - Tournament of Champions)

TOC AFF Corona del Sol JF.pdf

TOC NEG Corona del Sol JF.pdf

Corona del Sol TOC Blocks 2018.pdf

NAFTA (June 2018 - NSDA Nationals)

Nationals AFF - Corona del Sol JP.pdf

Nationals NEG - Corona del Sol JP.pdf

A2 NEG Nationals Part 1 - Corona del Sol JP.pdf

A2 NEG Nationals Part 2 - Corona del Sol JP.pdf

A2 AFF Nationals - Corona del Sol JP.pdf


UNCLOS (Septober 2018 - Bronx Science):

Bronx AFF.docx

Bronx NEG.docx

A2 AFF.pdf

A2 NEG.pdf

Price Controls (Nocember 2018 - Glenbrooks)

Monopolies AC.pdf

Biotech Generics NC V2.pdf

Glenbrooks Blocks.pdf

Debt vs Growth (January 2019 - Emory)

Emerging Markets AFF.pdf

Emory NEG v3.pdf

Emory Blocks - Corona del Sol JP.pdf

Saudi Arabia (February 2019 - Harvard)

Harvard AFF - Corona del Sol JP.pdf

Harvard NEG - Corona del Sol JP.pdf

Harvard Block File - Corona del Sol JP.pdf

UN Security Council (April 2019 - Tournament of Champions)

TOC AFF Corona del Sol JP.pdf

TOC NEG Corona del Sol JP.pdf

TOC Blocks - Corona del Sol JP.pdf