Plano West ('18)
This page is run by Samuel Loh from Plano West Senior High School.
I could not have put all these arguments together by myself and I'm thankful that I was able to work with Art Tay and Jason Zhang (Plano West TZ) and Jerry Yang (Plano West LiYa) who helped come up with and write these arguments.
There were also some ideas that got bounced to us from Jackie and Jennifer (Plano West LW) so make sure you check out their page!
If you're wondering why there aren't a ton of different cases for each topic, the cases used by Plano Wests's graduating class of 2018 were written together so we ended up running a lot of pretty similar (or identical) arguments and cases throughout the year.
[We're still digging through files and figuring out the last copies of prep we have so check back later if something isn't here]
South Korea AMS
PlanoWest Septober18 Neg v1.docx
PlanoWest February18 Aff.docx
PlanoWest February18 Neg.docx
PlanoWest March18 Aff.docx
PlanoWest March18 Neg v2 (Not broken).docx