Plano West LW

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This page is run by Jacqueline Wei from Plano West Senior High School. If you have any questions about strategy, case-writing, or if you can't find any of the cards, feel free to message me on Facebook or email me at [email protected].

I also encourage anyone who is still competing to read case cards directly from the source (as opposed to paraphrasing your cards) to avoid incidences of evidence misconstruction. Jennifer and I have tried to minimize paraphrasing in our cases or, in more recent cases, eliminate paraphrasing altogether, and hopefully this becomes more of a norm on the circuit.


Septober 2017 (THAAD)

Septober 2017 Aff - Plano West LW.pdf

Septober 2017 Neg - Plano West LW.pdf

November 2017 (UBCs)

November 2017 Aff - Plano West LW.pdf

November 2017 Neg - Plano West LW.pdf

January 2018 (Catalonia)

January 2018 Aff - Plano West LW.pdf

January 2018 Neg - Plano West LW.pdf

February 2018 (Capital Gains Tax)

February 2018 Aff - Plano West LW.pdf

February 2018 Neg - Plano West LW.pdf

March 2018 (AUMF)

April 2018 (H-1B Visas)


Septober 2018 (UNCLOS)

Nocember 2018 (Price Controls)

January 2019 (National Debt)

January 2019 Aff - Plano West LW.pdf

January 2019 Neg - Plano West LW.pdf

February 2019 (Saudi Arabia)

March 2019 (Market-Rate Housing)

April 2019 (UNSC)